Delivery No.71
Delivery date: 7 July 2024
Delivery type: Overland
Transporter: Simon Moss and Paul Wooten (UK); Taras Tsylia (Ukraine)
Approximate quantity: 34 Boxes (1,360 Kgs)
Delivery contents: Generators
A flagship delivery under our Generators for Ukraine 2024 Appeal in the esteemed presence of Bristol’s Lord Mayor Cllr. Andrew Varney and about 20 friends and volunteers. At the initiative of one of our long standing Volunteers, Dr Ann Kennard – we fund-raised, sourced and delivered 34 electrical generators.
Many thanks to Bristol Freemasons who very generously contributed to this delivery AND put forward to of their members as Transporters: Simon Moss and Paul Wootton.
A special thanks to Danny Chambers who supported this appeal by running the Bristol Half Marathon and donated all the funds raised to our charity for purchasing generators.
These generators will act as community hubs, helping the local residents of various communities to power their phones, their laptops and search and rescue drones.
A special moment was linking up with our Partners in Kiev and hearing live from them about the critical role these generators will play in the lives of displaced communities.
Humanity will prevail!