Following senior Ukrainian medical advice from Odessa, From Bristol With Love, was advised to provide maternity equipment to Hospital Ward 7. The reason this aid is required is because of the displacement of people from their homes due to the war and the stress those pressure put on pregnant women. This has resulted in a high number of premature births which the hospital resources in Odessa are struggling to cope with. Therefore this equipment and aid is vital to support new-born babies and their young displaced mothers.

A wonderful group of people from Bristol, who all felt compassionately about providing humanitarian support to the Ukraine came together and raised £847. From Bristol With Love has utilised these kind donations which will be in the Ukraine shortly.

Separately, there are other kind groups of people who are providing basic equipment such as food and clothing which will make a real difference by boosting morale and letting Ukrainian people know that people in foreign countries care about their plight.

Although a lot of aid has already been successfully provided much more is needed. From Bristol With Love and the citizens of Bristol are up to this challenge, further support will be required for as long as it is needed.