27 February 2022

Delivery type: Overland
Transporter: MaxiBus Travel Ltd
Overland approximate quantity: 15 boxes
Delivery contents: Clothes, toys

Our first delivery took place 3 days after the invasion. Due to the shortness of time, we were restricted to items that we and our neighbours happened to have available. Also, due to the absence of a secure corridor to Ukraine at the time, our first delivery of aid was destined to Ukrainian refugees in Romania.

Fresh supplies ready for transportation to Ukraine

Fresh supplies ready for transportation to Ukraine

Team and transport ready to go for delivery

Team and transport ready to go for delivery

Packing the supplies

Packing the supplies

Thirteen cubic meters in the bus ready to go

Thirteen cubic meters in the bus ready to go

Fully loaded

Fully loaded

The team celebrating a good day’s work

The team celebrating a good day’s work

Fresh batch of aid off to Odessa

Fresh batch of aid off to Odessa