16 May 2022

Delivery No. 20
Delivery type: Local purchase
Transporter: Costco Galati, Romania
Local Purchase value/quantity: £2,000/ 150 boxes
Delivery contents: Baby food and formula milk.

Many thanks to George Gane, who after fundraising and driving a van to Romania to deliver humanitarian aid from Bristol with love for Ukraine, made a very generous donation of £2,000. These funds were used to purchase baby food and formula milk for new-born babies in Odessa.

11 May 2022

Delivery No. 19
Delivery type: Local purchase:
Transporter: Costco Galati, Romania
Local Purchase value/quantity: £200
Delivery contents: Formula milk

Upon hearing about our work, one of David Hall’s neighbours, generously donated £200 to our funds asking that this amount to be spent on formula milk. Having considered the options, we concluded that the best value for money would be to buy it locally.

8 May 2022

Delivery No. 18
Delivery type: Overland 
Transporter: George Gane and David Hall
Overland approximate quantity: 219 boxes
Delivery contents: Food, first aid, toiletries and blankets.

George Gane and David Hall fundraised, hired a van, generated food supplies and started the journey across Europe for our friends in Ukraine.