4 April 2022

Delivery type: Local purchase
Transporter: Costco Galati, Romania
Local Purchase value/quantity: £4,000/ 112 boxes
Delivery contents: Food 

At the suggestion of our Volunteers and Donors, we assigned £4,000 from our funds to buy whole sale foods in Romania. Costco Galati delivered the purchase, consisting of more than 1,100kgs of rice, pasta, tinned tomatoes, tinned pork and milk. This food was paid for by the generous donations From Bristol with Love for Ukraine.

3 April 2022

Delivery type: Overland 
Transporter: John Grant and Phil Mccheyne
Overland approximate quantity: 110 boxes
Delivery contents: Food, first aid, toiletries, camping items and blankets.

John Grant organised, fundraised and led one of the three crews who left on the 3rd of April from Bristol International Centre for Ukraine to deliver humanitarian aid.

3 April 2022

Delivery type: Overland 
Transporter: MaxiBus Travel Ltd
Overland approximate quantity: 193 boxes
Delivery contents: First aid, toiletries, camping items and blankets.

This trailer was generously sponsored by the Blue Knights UK & International – Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, who donated £500 to ensure the much needed humanitarian aid reaches the people of Ukraine as soon as possible.