Delivery No. 67
Delivery date: 7 March 2024
Delivery type: Overland
Transporter: Ian Rowsell and Rik Tainton (UK)
Approximate quantity: 110 boxes / 1,300 Kgs
Delivery contents: Food, toiletries, food, camping, first aid

Our 67th delivery of aid consisted of another overland journey From Bristol with Love for Ukraine.
Our Transporters from Bristol to the Romanian City of Oradea this time were former Transporters Ian Rowsell and Rikki Tainton – both at their second journey.
Both Ian and Rik fund-raised, took time off work, said good-bye to their families and embarked on the long journey across Europe and back all the way to Oradea City in Transylvania. There, they will meet the Ukrainian team who will collect our aid and return with it to Ukraine.
The aid for this transport was almost entirely donated by shoppers at Tesco and Clifton shopping centre and was sorted and packed on the spot by our hard-working Volunteers. To Donors and Volunteers, a big thank you.
Special thanks to our Ukrainian Partners who transported it across the border and distributed to areas in desperate need in Ukraine.
Please support our Charity: we need Donors, Transporters and Volunteers.
Humanity will prevail!