Delivery No.60
Delivery date: 14 October 2023
Delivery type: Over land
Transporter: Declan Ellis and Simon Green
Approximate quantity: 1,450 kgs
Delivery contents: Generators x 11, food, first aid, mobility aids, clothes, camping
Our 60th delivery of aid was organised and took place at record short notice. Two extraordinary humanitarians Declan and Simon approached us with roughly two weeks before departure date and committed to: fundraise for their return journey and for 20 electrical generators. And of course to drive across Europe and back!

The FBWL Team mobilised and in addition to their generators collected dozens of boxes of food and toiletries from Lidle – 400 Kgs to be precise. Unfortunately, not all the generators paid for and ordered reached us in time, only 11 did. In true team-spirit, Declan and Simon kindly offered to have the remaining generators added to the next, November trip.
And so, on a beautiful sunny day, we loaded Declan’s and Simon’s van and wished them Godspeed across Europe and back.
Special thanks to Lidle Portishead for generous support and Autolyne Van Rental for sponsorship.
Please support and/or join our Charity.
Humanity will prevail!